FREE Tidy Treat Feeder & 8oz Mealworm Bag when you Join DSC *Today!

Our new Tidy Treat Feeder works great with Mealworms, Bark Butter Bits and Peanut Splits!

*Not a Daily Savings Club Member?  Come by our store and we'll show you how Club Members Save 15% All Year Long On the Freshest Bird Food in Town.


Mealworms Attract a Variety of Insect-eating Birds to Your Yard

Almost 80% of the world's bird families include some insects in their diet - that's a whole lot of birds chowing down! So how can you use that information to bring more birds to your feeders? One word: mealworms.

Mealworms mimic the insect larvae that birds find in the wild. Their high-protein, high-fat content is especially important as birds prepare for nesting season. By offering mealworms, you provide an easy to access, natural source of nutrition and energy. Plus, it's fun to watch the birds swoop in for a tasty morsel!




Create a Bird Feeding Station in 2 Minures

Instructional Video Create a Bird Feeding Station In 2 Minutes

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Create a  Bird Feeding Station on your Dedk

Instructional Video Create a Feeding Station on Your Deck

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LIVE Video Merlin Bird ID How to Install on Smart Phone

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